May 6, 2011

Grow Your Own Fruit

A couple of months ago, I walked into Trader Joe's (where I do my primary grocery shopping), and saw this in the produce section:

Pummelo (also known as pomelo) for $1.49 each.  I happen to have a pomelo tree in my backyard, and they are MUCH larger than the ones at Trader Joe's.  This year we harvested roughly 100 of these from our tree, but mine were organic.  At Trader Joe's prices, that's $149 in fruit that I got for free.

I also have a tangerine tree.  These sell for about $0.60 each.  Our tree produces about 300 pieces of fruit, which means that we harvested about $180 in free food from that tree.

Consider planting some fruit trees in your yard.  They provide excellent shade, decrease the cooling costs for your home, improve the air quality around your home, and are an amazing source of organic food for your family.  Talk to someone from your local nursery to find out what the best varieties are for your region and when and how to plant them.


Ange~ said...

You should sell them! We are growing tons of fruit- grapes, cherries, bush cherries, blueberries, elderberries, strawberries, peaches, 5 kinds of apples, apricots with edible pits (taste similar to almonds)and plums. Can't wait for this summer when we get to eat them all! :)

From Home Base said...

That's amazing that you are growing that much fruit on your property. I wish we could grow cherries here. I love them.

Ange~ said...

Do any varieties of bush cherries grow down there? They are different than regular cherries. I'm not even sure on the flavor as we didn't get any on the bush yet last year.

Shanygne said...

I just planted blackberries, blueberries, and cherries... kale, tomatoes and strawberries... the blackberries, cherries and blueberries won't produce this year, but you've got to start some time, right?? hoping to get more put in pots before too long... we're just now starting the growing season here, so I think I have a window yet... SO looking forward to eating our own produce!! OH! and some herbs, of course...