February 1, 2011

Why Steel Cut Oats?

I had an amusing conversation with a friend about oatmeal recently.  I was sharing with her a nutritious recipe for homemade bread that called for rolled oats. 

Me: "Make sure you use old-fashioned rolled oats, not the instant stuff."

Her: "Of course.  I only use instant oatmeal for breakfast."

Me:  "Seriously?  That stuff that resembles wallpaper paste and is loaded with processed ingredients!"

Her:  "Well, how do YOU make oatmeal for breakfast?"

Oatmeal is one of the easiest breakfast foods to make, and it is highly nutritious… if you do it properly.  I recommend using steel cut oats (also called Irish or Scottish oats).  Steel cut oats are simply oats that have been cut with a blade into two or three smaller pieces.  That’s it!  In contrast, rolled oats are first steamed, then rolled in huge machines which generate more heat.  This process causes the oats to lose some of their nutritional value.

I’ve never really cared for oatmeal, but I’ve learned to like it by switching to steel cut oats and adding some yummy ingredients.  Here’s how it’s typically made in our house:

Measure out water and oats into a pot (I use 1 part oats to 3 parts water).  Add a small handful of organic raisins.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to simmer and cover with a lid.  Let cook for 30-40 minutes.  When done cooking, stir in about 1/4 cup freshly ground flaxseeds (I do this in my coffee grinder) and 1-2 tsp. cinnamon.

Divide into four bowls.  Give each bowl a small scoop of brown sugar and some organic milk.

We also like to add a dollop of pumpkin butter or 1/2 a chopped apple to ramp up the flavor even more.

This is a very filling meal.  It’s easy to substitute add-ins for whatever is appealing to you.  Perhaps you prefer walnuts, other dried fruit, fresh bananas, yogurt, honey or molasses.  Use your imagination and create something wonderful for you and your family.

Another option that will reduce the cooking time and increase the nutritional value is to soak the oats in water overnight.  They do not have to be refrigerated while soaking.  With this method, you can cook them in less than 10 minutes.

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