February 21, 2011

Scottevest Jacket

When I saw this jacket, I envisioned myself taking an "around the world" trip without any luggage... only what could be put in the pockets of this jacket.  I imagined visiting places and really LIVING the way they do without dragging my trunk of American "necessities".  

Maybe you envision yourself doing something entirely different.  Hiking?  Bicycling?  What adventure would you take with a jacket like this?

One man actually documented his six-week expedition around the world without baggage, using a few pieces of clothing from Scottevest.  (I have not read this entire website, nor the entire story of his trip, so read at your own discretion.)  It is an idea that is rather appealing to me.

Would you try it?  Why or why not?


Ange~ said...

That guy had a LOT of American "necessities"!

Ange~ said...
